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Player > Class > Operative > Alternate
Operatives have access to the following alternate class features.
Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.80
You've been trained with a particular set of abilities to excel
at taking down enemies. Your specialization doesn't grant
you Skill Focus or free skill ranks with its associated skills.
Instead, you can mark for death one opponent within 100 feet
that you're aware of as a move action. As long as that target
is in sight, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls
and the save DC of your operative class features and weapon
critical effects against that foe. Marking a target for death
focuses all of your attention on that foe, causing you to take a
-2 penalty to AC and Reflex saves against attacks and effects
that do not originate from the marked foe. You can end this
effect as a swift action or a reaction, and designating another
target causes you to immediately lose this bonus against the
previous target.
At 7th level, whenever you hit a flat-footed foe that you've
marked for death with a trick attack, you can spend 1 Resolve
Point to force the target to attempt a Fortitude save (DC = 10 +
half your operative level + your Dexterity modifier). If the target
fails this save, any condition you imposed on the target with
debilitating trick has a duration of 1 round per operative level
you have. If your target succeeds, you still apply all the normal
effects of your trick attack.
This ability alters specialization and replaces specialization
skill mastery.
Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.82
At 8th level, choose one of the following weapon types:
advanced melee weapons, longarms, heavy weapons, or any
one special weapon of your choice. You gain proficiency with
the chosen weapon type (or weapon, if you chose a special
weapon). In addition, you can use trick attack with weapons
of the chosen type. You do not add trick attack damage to
such attacks, but the target is still flat-footed and you can use
debilitating trick. At 13th level, you can choose a second type of
weapon from the list.
This replaces triple attack and quad attack.
Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.82
You can crouch, minimize your profile, and otherwise maximize
the cover you gain in an environment without taking the time to
go fully prone or move to hide behind larger objects. By flipping
a table to be on its edge, knocking over piles of boxes, spinning
to keep your profile behind a light pole, or other actions, you
gain cover from objects normally too small to provide cover.
Objects that would normally offer no cover instead grant you
partial cover, and objects that would normally offer partial
cover instead grant you normal cover. This benefit lasts only
until you leave your square or the beginning of your next turn,
whichever happens first, and to gain the benefit again you must
leave your current square.
All other rules for determining if an object grants cover
against a specific attack still apply. This ability cannot be used
to gain improved cover or total cover.
This replaces quick movement.
Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.82
You can make a trick attack as a standard action if you do not move as part of that ability. You cannot
make any other attack during a round when you do this, and
cannot take any action that affects or modifies your attack or
the weapon you are attacking with.
This replaces quick movement.
Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.82
You can quickly and easily adapt to the difficulties of operating in
zero-g. You reduce the DC for any check required to move in zero-g
by 5. In addition, when you use a move action to push off an object
in zero-g, you move at your full land speed instead of at half.
This replaces quick movement.
Starfinder Character Operations Manual p.80
You can perform skillful stunts while going on the offensive.
As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or
not you moved, you can then make an attack with any weapon
you’re wielding and are proficient with, even a weapon with
the unwieldy property or that requires a full action to make a
single attack. Just before making your attack, attempt a skill
check with one skill that you have Skill Focus with (DC = 20 +
your target’s CR). If you succeed at the check, the target is flatfooted
against attacks you make using this ability. At any point
during the full action, you can also trigger one stunt that you
know. The stunt must match the skill you are using for the stunt
and strike attack. At 7th level, you can perform two stunts you
know. If the stunts use different skills, you must attempt both
skill checks, and if either fails, your target is not flat-footed.
At 1st level, choose one stunt associated with a skill with which
you have Skill Focus. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter,
you choose another stunt that uses any skill that you have Skill
Focus with. If a stunt allows a saving throw, its DC is equal to 10
+ half your operative level + your Dexterity modifier. Each of the
skills listed below has several stunts associated with it.
For more info click here.
This replaces trick attack and debilitating strike.
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