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Player > Class > Archetypes > Mediator
With innumerable species populating the Pact Worlds, Near
Space, and the worlds beyond, conflicts, disagreements,
and misunderstandings inevitably arise between groups.
To help mitigate any major consequences to such disputes,
many take it upon themselves to act as peacemakers.
These mediators are sometimes simply well-intentioned,
skilled individuals who wish to put their talents to good
use and help others around them. Other times, mediators
receive specialized training to help deal with conflicts in
formalized or professional settings. Regardless of their
specific methods, most mediators learn to tap into an innate
emotional and psychological understanding of others to help
act as efficient arbitrators.
Most classes can make suitable mediators, but
many tend to be envoys and mystics. Whatever their
original training and skills, mediators can be quite
helpful when navigating a range of difficult or tense
situations, such as mediating peaceful diplomatic
talks, facilitating corporate mergers, or negotiating
surrender after a deadly battle. As for which species
tend toward arbitration roles, mediator’s empathic
abilities can be difficult to develop intentionally,
but a number of species such as brenneris
(Alien Archive 3 8), damais (Alien Archive 2 32),
and vlakas (Alien Archive 2 134) are often
particularly emotionally attuned, making them
natural mediators.
For more about Daimalko, the home planet
of damais, see page 74. For more about
Varturan, the home planet of brenneris, see
page 110.
The mediator archetype grants alternate class features at 2nd, 4th, 9th, and 12th levels.
You gain Culture and Diplomacy as class skills. For
each of these skills that is already a class skill for you
(or becomes a class skill) from a source other than this
archetype, you learn to speak and read a new language.
See page 41 of the Core Rulebook for a list of languages
spoken in the Pact Worlds and beyond.
You can use your Diplomacy skill for Bluff checks to
lie or pass a secret message and your Culture skill for
Life Science checks to identify humanoids and monstrous
humanoids. When you attempt a Diplomacy check to
change a creature’s attitude, the creature’s attitude
worsens only if you fail the check by 10 or more, rather
than if you fail the check by 5 or more.
You are highly skilled at convincing others and reaching amicable agreements. If a creature’s initial attitude toward you would be unfriendly, indifferent, or friendly, you instead treat its attitude as one category higher. When you fail a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of a hostile creature by 10 or less, you can attempt to change its attitude again. Whenever an ally uses aid another to assist you with a Diplomacy check to change a creature’s attitude, if you succeed at that check, the targeted creature’s attitude toward your ally also improves.
You can draw upon all known languages to make yourself understood in almost any situation. You gain the ability to cast tongues once per day as a spell-like ability. In addition, once per day as a full action, you can touch up to two willing creatures with an Intelligence modifier of at least –3 and grant them the ability to communicate with you and each other as though under the effect of tongues. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until you end it with a swift action. This is a mind-affecting affect.
You create a mental and emotional bond
between yourself and other creatures.
As a full action, you can touch up to
two willing or unconscious creatures
to create an empathic link between
yourself and each creature touched.
This empathic link lasts for 1 hour
or until you end it for all creatures
with a swift action. While linked,
you and the linked creatures gain
the effects of status in relation to
one another.
Linked creatures have an automatic
emotional connection that allows them
to better understand each other’s
feelings as well as provide a constant
and passive psychological comfort and
support. Whenever a linked creature
fails a Will saving throw, a different
linked creature can spend 1 Resolve
Point as a reaction to allow the affected
creature to reroll its failed saving
throw. If the effect is an emotion or
fear effect, the affected creature gains
a +1 circumstance bonus to this reroll.
The creature must use the second result,
even if it’s worse. An affected creature can
reroll a given saving throw only once in
this manner.
Finally, you and the linked creatures learn
how to anticipate each other’s needs and actions.
Once per day at the beginning of combat, each
linked creature can swap their initiative result
with that of any other linked creature within
60 feet.
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