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Player > Class > Archetypes > Union Organizer
Starfinder Adventure Path #38: Crash & Burn (Fly Free or Die 5 of 6) p.54
Union organizers are dedicated to making sure everyone gets treated fairly and works together. Even outside union situations, a union organizer knows how to direct the team to get results.
The union organizer archetype grants alternate class features at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.
You must have paid dues on a union membership (page 55) to take this archetype.
You gain a bonus feat, chosen from those that have a “Teamwork Benefit” entry.
You know how get your allies to work with you and each other. As a move action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant the benefits of one feat that you have that has a “Teamwork Benefit” entry to a single ally within 30 feet that can see and hear you; the ally need not meet the feat’s prerequisites. The ally retains use of the feat until the end of your next turn, allowing you to possibly take advantage of the feat’s teamwork benefit. At 8th level, you can grant the feat’s benefits to two allies, and to three allies at 12th level; these allies must also be within 30 feet of each other.
You gain the Group Negotiations (page 52) feat as a bonus feat, regardless of whether or not you meet the prerequisites.
When you grant the benefits of a feat to one or more allies with your welcome to the team ability, the benefits last for 1 minute.
You can take 20 on Diplomacy checks to change an NPC’s attitude or Intimidate checks to bully.