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Player > Items > Hybrid > Vital seed, beast

Vital seed, beast

Starfinder Armory p.125

Level: 4
Price: 650

Bioengineered to grow specific chemicals and cellular structures, even those that replicate animal or humanoid flesh, vital seeds come packed in tiny capsules of First World soil to make them grow at alarming speeds. The specific effect depends on the purpose for which the seed was bioengineered. Vital seeds can grow livestock and plants, replace missing organs, and perform many other useful tasks. Some common vital seeds are listed here.

As a standard action, you can squeeze a beast vital seed and place it on the ground or throw it (range 20 feet). A Medium First World beast grows from the seed instantaneously as if you had just completed casting the 3rdlevel version of the summon creature spell (Alien Archive 144). Rather than obeying your commands, the creature is initially friendly toward you.

Vital seed, regrower1740000ARM p.125
Vital seed, zeolite105000ARM p.125

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