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Player > Weapon > Grenades > Pulse grenade IV

Pulse grenade IV

Starfinder Armory p.39

Level: 17
Price: 82500
Range: 20 ft.
Capacity: Drawn
Bulk: L
Special: Explode (14d6 E, entangled 2d4 rounds, 20 ft.)

A pulse grenade emits a powerful EMP blast on impact whose damage and effects apply only to constructs with the technological subtype. Constructs reduced to 0 HP by a pulse grenade are not destroyed but simply nonfunctional until restored to 1 or more Hit Points. The EMP wave from a pulse grenade is not intense enough to affect augmentations, weapons, armor, or other technological gear

Pulse grenade I595020 ft.DrawnLExplode (1d10 E, entangled 1 round, 20 ft.)ARM p.39
Pulse grenade II9435020 ft.DrawnLExplode (3d10 E, entangled 1d4 rounds, 20 ft.)ARM p.39
Pulse grenade III153750020 ft.DrawnLExplode (6d10 E, entangled 1d4 rounds, 20 ft.)ARM p.39
Pulse grenade IV178250020 ft.DrawnLExplode (14d6 E, entangled 2d4 rounds, 20 ft.)ARM p.39


Explosives have the explode special property, which lists the amount of damage the explosion deals, the damage type, special effects (with a duration, if necessary), and the radius of the explosion. When you attack with this type of weapon or ammunition, aim at a grid intersection. Each creature within the blast radius takes the listed damage but can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. If the explode special property has any special effects other than damage, they are negated with a successful saving throw. Some exploding weapons, such as smoke grenades, don't deal damage, so they don't include the damage and damage type entries.

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