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Player > Weapon > Melee > Flame spinner, immolation

Flame spinner, immolation

Starfinder Armory p.37

Level: 5
Price: 2860
Damage: 1d8 F
Critical: Burn 1d6
Bulk: 1
Special: Analog, free hands (2), fueled (capacity 20, usage 2), unwieldy

A flame spinner consists of two weighted balls attached to a length of cable; the pair is spun in an elegant, showy dance of spinning fire. Fireball and immolation flame spinners use petrol to generate a flaming nimbus around the ball's metal casing, while supernova and fission flame spinners dispense with the casing and instead compress the petrol to generate a dense mass of blazing heat in place of each ball. Using a flame spinner effectively is difficult due to the complex handling required, and kasathas and other races with additional limbs find they have a substantial advantage in that regard.

Two-handed WeaponsTypeLevelPriceDamageCriticalBulkSpecialSource
Flame spinner, fireballAdvanced12251d6 FBurn 1d41Analog, free hands (2), fueled (capacity 20, usage 1), unwieldyARM p.37
Flame spinner, immolationAdvanced528601d8 FBurn 1d61Analog, free hands (2), fueled (capacity 20, usage 2), unwieldyARM p.37
Flame spinner, supernovaAdvanced12339003d10 FBurn 2d61Analog, free hands (2), fueled (capacity 20, usage 1), unwieldyARM p.37
Flame spinner, fissionAdvanced208020008d12 FBurn 5d61Analog, free hands (2), fueled (capacity 20, usage 1), unwieldyARM p.37


The target gains the burning condition.


You are on fire. As long as you have this condition, at the start of your turn each round before you take any actions (or attempt the Reflex saving throw described below), you take the listed amount of damage as fire damage (or 1d6 fire damage, if no amount is listed in the effect that causes burning). Fire damage from multiple sources that inflict the burning condition is cumulative.
At the end of each round you are burning, you can attempt a Reflex saving throw to remove this condition. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + the amount of fire damage you took this round from the burning condition. If you succeed at this saving throw, you lose the burning condition. You can attempt a new saving throw each round you have this condition, and you receive a +2 bonus for each previous saving throw you've attempted in consecutive rounds.
You can also automatically end this condition by jumping into enough water to douse yourself. If you don't have enough water on hand, you can spend a full action to roll on the ground or otherwise smother the fire to attempt a new saving throw with a +4 bonus (plus any bonuses from previously failed consecutive attempts) to end the condition.


This weapon does not use any advanced electronics, computer systems, or electrical power sources. It is immune to abilities that target technology. While this use of the word “analog” is not technically correct when referring to technology, use of the term in this way has become common throughout the Pact Worlds.


Weapons with the unwieldy special property are large and awkward, can't be fired without cooling down first, or are otherwise difficult to use with repeated attacks. You can't use an unwieldy weapon as part of a full attack (or any other action in which you could make multiple attacks), you can't attack with it more than once per round, and you can't use it to make an attack of opportunity.

Free Hands

A free hands weapon is unbalanced or otherwise awkward to use. This difficulty in using the weapon can be negated by moving the listed number of hands that are not holding anything or being used for any other purpose as counterweights. You wield a free hands weapon using the normal number of hands, but if you have the listed number of free hands available while wielding it, the weapon is not considered unwieldy. For example, a kasatha wielding a flame spinner in two of her hands while her other two hands remain empty treats the weapon as though it does not have the unwieldy weapon special property.


A fueled weapon has an integrated petrol tank and must be activated to function properly. This works like the powered weapon special property (Core Rulebook 181), except it uses petrol as a fuel source instead of a battery. Unlike a battery, petrol is permanently expended upon use and must be purchased rather than recharged.

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