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Player > Weapon > Melee > Snap whip, LFD

Snap whip, LFD

Starfinder Alien Archive 4 p.15

Level: 8
Price: 10100
Damage: 2d6 So
Critical: Staggered
Bulk: 1
Special: Analog, penetrating, reach, sunder

Until recently, atlapaks' exceptional pincers resisted engineers' efforts to replicate the same mechanics in the form of a reliable weapon. In the past three decades, breakthroughs in materials science have enabled arms manufacturers to create handheld versions of an atlapak claw, which take the form of a semi-flexible, whip-like rod. An assemblage of reinforced metallic percussion plates and high-pressure levers near the rod's tip creates a focused shock of sonic energy when activated, shattering nearby materials. Artificial ligaments strung throughout the rod translate the kinetic energy of a user's backswing to rearm the device, priming it to release another sonic burst. Early prototypes of the snap whip directly incorporated atlapak components, though all but the most eccentric versions of such whips are now entirely synthetic and merely borrow the atlapak's uniquely evolved design.
The drow corporation Arabani Arms ultimately developed the breakthrough technology that created viable snap whips, and it continues to protect the design via patents and ongoing research despite the countless lethal imitations that have appeared on the market. The company's R&D department has yet to replicate atlapaks' particular ability to channel sound waves over long distances—a breakthrough that would allow Arabani Arms to create a devastating new sniper weapon—but it has come close on several occasions.

One-handed WeaponsTypeLevelPriceDamageCriticalBulkSpecialSource
Snap whip, thunderstrikeAdvanced316001d6 SoStaggered1Analog, penetrating, reach, sunderAA4 p.15
Snap whip, LFDAdvanced8101002d6 SoStaggered1Analog, penetrating, reach, sunderAA4 p.15
Snap whip, HFDAdvanced13540005d6 SoStunned1Analog, penetrating, reach, sunderAA4 p.15
Snap whip, bansheeAdvanced1844500010d6 SoStunned1Analog, penetrating, reach, sunderAA4 p.15


The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round.


You can take a single move action or standard action each round, but not both, nor can you take full actions. You can still take swift actions, but not reactions.


This weapon does not use any advanced electronics, computer systems, or electrical power sources. It is immune to abilities that target technology. While this use of the word “analog” is not technically correct when referring to technology, use of the term in this way has become common throughout the Pact Worlds.


A penetrating weapon is designed to punch through large objects' outer layers, making it easier to damage them. A penetrating weapon ignores an amount of hardness equal to the weapon's level.


Only melee weapons can have the reach special property. Wielding a weapon with reach gives you 10 feet of reach for attacks with that weapon. See Reach and Threatened Squares on page 255 for more information.


When you attempt a sunder combat maneuver while wielding a weapon with the sunder weapon special property, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll.

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