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Player > Weapon > Range > Energy converter, tactical

Energy converter, tactical

Starfinder Armory p.34

Level: 4
Price: 2400
Damage: 1d6 C
Range: 90 ft.
Critical: Staggered
Capacity: 20 charges
Usage: 1
Bulk: 2
Special: Explode (10 ft.), unwieldy

Boxy devices covered with various gauges and protruding antennae, energy converters resemble dangerously experimental pieces of hardware. These devices invert matter-antimatter annihilation; instead of generating massive amounts of heat from a tiny speck of matter, an energy converter generates a tiny speck of matter by drawing an incredible amount of heat energy from a nearby area. Tactical, advanced, and elite energy converters each create relatively larger flecks of matter, drawing their energy from a larger area in order to do so.

Two-handed WeaponsTypeLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityUsageBulkSpecialSource
Energy converter, tacticalHeavy424001d6 C90 ft.Staggered20 charges12Explode (10 ft.), unwieldyARM p.34
Energy converter, advancedHeavy10209002d8 C90 ft.Staggered20 charges12Explode (15 ft.), unwieldyARM p.34
Energy converter, eliteHeavy161980003d10 C100 ft.Staggered20 charges12Explode (20 ft.), unwieldyARM p.34


The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round.


You can take a single move action or standard action each round, but not both, nor can you take full actions. You can still take swift actions, but not reactions.


Explosives have the explode special property, which lists the amount of damage the explosion deals, the damage type, special effects (with a duration, if necessary), and the radius of the explosion. When you attack with this type of weapon or ammunition, aim at a grid intersection. Each creature within the blast radius takes the listed damage but can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. If the explode special property has any special effects other than damage, they are negated with a successful saving throw. Some exploding weapons, such as smoke grenades, don't deal damage, so they don't include the damage and damage type entries.


Weapons with the unwieldy special property are large and awkward, can't be fired without cooling down first, or are otherwise difficult to use with repeated attacks. You can't use an unwieldy weapon as part of a full attack (or any other action in which you could make multiple attacks), you can't attack with it more than once per round, and you can't use it to make an attack of opportunity.

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