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Player > Weapon > Range > Resonant pistol, lattice

Resonant pistol, lattice

Starfinder Armory p.50

Level: 7
Price: 6100
Damage: 1d6 So
Range: 40 ft.
Critical: Deafen
Capacity: 40 charges
Usage: 2
Bulk: L
Special: Boost 1d6

The crystalline structure inside a resonant pistol comes from the same synthetic material used in the resonant gauntlet. An electrical current can be directed through a long, conical barrel fitted with layers of the crystal, causing the material to reverberate with a devastating ultrasonic frequency. These weapons are noted for their ease of use, since they create no recoil. The only indication that these weapons have fired is a faint, high-pitched beep. Resonant pistols using a crystal lattice are more common and less expensive than those that contain a crystal matrix.

One-handed WeaponsTypeLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityUsageBulkSpecialSource
Resonant pistol, latticeSmall Arms761001d6 So40 ft.Deafen40 charges2LBoost 1d6ARM p.50
Resonant pistol, matrixSmall Arms183580005d6 So40 ft.Deafen40 charges2LBoost 2d6ARM p.50


The target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be deafened for 1d4 minutes.


You can't hear. You take a –4 penalty to initiative checks and opposed Perception checks, and you automatically fail Perception checks based on sound. Characters who remain deafened for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.


You can charge up a weapon with this special property as a move action. When you do, you increase the weapon's damage by the listed amount on the next attack you make with the weapon. Boosting expends charges from the weapon equal to its usage value. This increases the weapon's damage and is multiplied on a critical hit. Boosting a weapon more than once before firing it doesn't have any extra effect, and the extra charge dissipates if the weapon is not fired by the end of your next turn.

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