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Player > Starships > Other > Expansion Bays > Combat training facility, elite

Combat training facility, elite

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual p.24

PCU: 5
COST (In BP): 10

This specialized gym and miniature arena provides an array of holographic threats, tactical dilemmas, and automated combat simulations that help crew members practice close-quarters tactics and self-defense. This facility also adds several caches of weapons and armor spread throughout the starship, ensuring that the crew always have essential armaments close at hand in the event of an emergency. A basic combat training facility improves the crew’s battle readiness, treating them as skilled (and granting a bonus) when resolving boarding events (page 40). Specialized and elite combat training facilities incorporate much more complicated simulations and rigorous protocols, and the crew are treated as specialized or elite, respectively, when resolving boarding encounters.

NamePCUCost (In BP)Source
Combat training facility, basic33SOM p.24
Combat training facility, advanced58SOM p.24
Combat training facility, elite510SOM p.24

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