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Player > Weapon > Range > Coil rifle, precision

Coil rifle, precision

Starfinder Armory p.43

Level: 1
Price: 390
Damage: 1d6 P
Range: 60 ft.
Capacity: 4 rounds
Usage: 1
Bulk: 2
Special: Sniper (250 ft.)

A coil rifle is a long, slender firearm surrounded by a coil that generates carefully aligned magnetic fields that accelerate a single round with impressive power and accuracy. Precision coil rifles are the most affordable of these weapons, while specialist coil rifles have greater range and efficacy. Rangefinder, saboteur, and assassin coil rifles are especially deadly weapons that are appreciated by true connoisseurs, veteran mercenaries, and experienced firearm specialists.

Two-handed WeaponsTypeLevelPriceDamageRangeCriticalCapacityUsageBulkSpecialSource
Coil rifle, precisionSniper13901d6 P60 ft.4 rounds12Sniper (250 ft.)ARM p.43
Coil rifle, specialistSniper531202d6 P70 ft.Bleed 1d66 rounds12Sniper (250 ft.)ARM p.43
Coil rifle, rangefinderSniper10186003d6 P70 ft.Bleed 2d68 rounds12Sniper (500 ft.)ARM p.43
Coil rifle, saboteurSniper14767007d6 P80 ft.Bleed 3d612 rounds12Sniper (750 ft.)ARM p.43
Coil rifle, assassinSniper1959000012d6 P90 ft.Bleed 4d616 rounds12Sniper (750 ft.)ARM p.43


Weapons with the sniper special property can be fired accurately at very long ranges if aimed properly. If you aim the weapon as a move action and then fire it on the same turn, use the value listed with the sniper special property as the weapon's range increment. You can still fire a sniper weapon as normal, but it has only the range listed under its normal range entry when you do.

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